
Dark Souls 2 PvP Dual Longsword (Quality Duels)

2016-03-21 2 Dailymotion

Umbasa!!! Song:Azule Crimson Night 03 恋々暗夜行,[音召缶] Azule Crimson Night 13 Hymnus Sanguineu Dont forget to change the quality settings to 720p, .
This week, get ready for a creative episode of Top Ten Dual Wielding Kills! If you enjoyed watching please remember to leave a like and check out the .
Just a Longsword and Composite Bow versus whatever it comes across. And they say Quality Builds are dead. (Although they certainly dont have it easy.)
Confirmed: Longsword is still the best sword in the game. And I know I should use other leggings than Benharts Boots, but fuck me do they look slick.