
24-REF-Ashraf Ali Thanvi name in Kalimah-Deobandi Belief-WHY THE DIFFERENCES?

2016-03-17 134 Dailymotion

REFERENCE #24:For large Original Scans of the Books Please Visit our Site

There is no harm in saying and it is satisfying to say Laa'llaaha il-lal Laahu Ashraf ‘Alee Rasool-ul-Laah and Allaahum-ma Salli 'Ala Saiy-yidina Wa Nabeey-yina Ashraf ‘Alee and there is no harm in saying so. [Risaalah Al lmdaad, pg 35] for the month of Safar 1336 A.H, and proceedings of a Munaazirah [religious debate in Gaya] Al Furqaan, vol 3, pg 58)

Allamah Maulana Kaukab Noorani Okarvi:

This is Risaalah Al lmdaad of Month Safar al Muzzafar 1336 Hijri, published by Imdad ul Mutab e Thana Bhawan and name of Ashraf Ali Thanvi is written here. On its page 34, 35 he writes:
One day while viewing Risaalah Hussn ul Aziz in the noon I felt sleepy, put the Risaalah down and turned the other side. Then the thought came to my mind that I have my back towards the Risaalah, took it and kept it on the side of my head. After some time I dreamt that I recited Kalimah Laa'llaaha il-lal Laahu Ashraf ‘Alee Rasool-ul-Laah, taking the name of Maulana Thanvi in place of the Prophet Muhammad [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam], I thought of my mistake in reciting Kalimah and wanted to recite it rightly but again took the name of Maulana Thanvi spontaneously. Though knew this is not right kalimah. The person has sent this incident to Thanvi. When did it for few times and saw Maulana Thanvi in front of me and due to over whelming emotions fell down, screamed and then felt weakness. I woke up and felt too weak myself and have numbness in body but remained thinking about Maulana Thanvi during dream and wakefulness. Then I thought to rectify and correct my mistake of reciting Kalimah wrongly, avoiding this mistake anymore and compensate the mistakes of reciting Kalimah since I was in the state of dream. I sat up and started reading Darood Shareef trying to correct myself now I am fully awake and aware and not in the state of dream. Maa’z Allaah, Sumaa Maa’z Allaah. Now in his own word he is writing I even do not want to bring those sentences to my tongue but even then he is writing to Thanvi.. he could not control himself and repeated these words
Laa'llaaha il-lal Laahu Ashraf ‘Alee Rasool-ul-Laah and Allaahum-ma Salli 'Ala Saiy-yidinah Wa Nabeey-yina Wa Maulana Ashraf ‘Alee You can see it clearly written here…. He himself writes: Though I am awake yet could not resist and obliged as my tongue is not in my control. That day remained engrossed in such thoughts and next day remained over whelmed with emotions and tears. I have many other matters of love with Maulana, what can I say?
The person wrote this in a letter to Maulana Thanvi explaining his dream incident. Thanvi instead of advising him that this is not permissible even in reverence or idolization and you should ask for forgiveness or forbade him for harboring such reverence, rather he answered that there is consolation and satisfaction in this incident. And the person you are following is a perfect follower of Sunnah, 24 Shawwal 1335 Hijri. Instead of forbidding and scolding the person he writes clearly that there is satisfaction and consolation in the incident.

He suggested that taking the name of Thanvi instead the Prophet (Peace be upon him) in Kalimah and Darood is not a mistake but it is perfectly alright. It shows that Thanvi considers it permissible to take his name instead the name of the Prophet Muhammad [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam], in Kalimah.
What is he trying to say…that it is okay to read the Kalimah with the name of Thanvi Sahib..
Check the Deobandism/ Wahabism… preaching [Mazhab] what they are saying???Instead
of scolding and forbidding him, or even explaining him with love he clearly tells him that this incident has peace of mind. If someone else wrote and belief in this kind of preaching and writing Deobandi scholars will issue many Fatwas [Religious Verdict] of protest but for their own matter they all [The Deobandi Mazhab ] ignore this and remain silent. It is clearly written by Maulana Thanvi. You can see this reference with the name of Ashraf Alee and Kalimah with Ashraf Alee’s name.
There is no harm in saying and it is satisfying to say Laa'llaaha il-lal Laahu Ashraf ‘Alee Rasool-ul-Laah and Allaahum-ma Salli 'Ala Saiy-yidina Wa Nabeey-yina Ashraf ‘Alee and there is no harm in saying so. [Risaalah Al lmdaad, pg 35] for the month of Safar 1336 A.H, and proceedings of a Munaazirah [religious debate in Gaya] Al Furqaan, vol 3, pg 58)

Allamah Maulana Kaukab Noorani Okarvi:

This is Risaalah Al lmdaad of Month Safar al Muzzafar 1336 Hijri, published by Imdad ul Mutab e Thana Bhawan and name of Ashraf Ali Thanvi is written here. On its page 34, 35 he writes:
