
11-REF-If Allaah want can create millions like Prophet-Deobandi Beliefs-WHY THE DIFFERENCES?

2016-03-17 19 Dailymotion


If Allaah [God] wishes he can create millions like the Prophet [Peace be upon him]. Book Taqwiyatul leemaan.
Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi:
This is the same book that is under consideration and the next reference that you asked is given on page 30. He writes:
God Almighty has grandeur to create millions of Nabee, Wali, Jinn, Angel Jibraeel and Muhammad in an instant just by saying KUN. Just check it is their reference, through just one KUN he can create millions of Jibraeel and Muhammad. It is clear here that they have no importance, greatness and superiority attached to the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him). They have written Muhammad [Peace be upon him] only here disregard of any word of respect. There is in the Holy Qur’aan that he is the Prophet (Peace be upon him) and Khatum un Nabeeyeen. And if millions are created, will they all be Khatum un Nabeeyeen? It is so strange and meant to ridicule the Holy Qur’aan only. Here this is written unambiguously in their book. Next reference…
Maulana Qari Muhammad Jahangir Naqshbandi: