
MUSICOTHERAPIE - Sommeil Profond & Bien-Être - Etude Relaxation Méditation Spa ✰ Music Therapy to Relax Study Sleep

2016-03-16 9 Dailymotion

MUSICOTHERAPIE - Sommeil Profond & Bien-Être - Etude Relaxation Méditation Spa - Equilibre Intérieur ✰ MUSIC THERAPY - Deep Sleep & Wellness - Study Relaxation Meditation Spa - Inner Balance.

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Musicothérapie. Musique Apaisante pour Dormir Profondément. Musique Calmante contre l'Insomnie. Soulage le Stress et Diminue les Acouphènes. Musique pour un Sommeil Profond. Harmonie et Détente du Corps et de l'Esprit. Equilibre Intérieur. Musique de Fond Relaxante pour Etudier et mieux se Concentrer. Yoga, Feng Shui, Reiki, Spa, Massages.

00:00 - 1. Deep Space
05:03 - 2. Space
08:34 - 3. Light
11:18 - 4. City
14:23 - 5. Fluidscape
44:33 - 6. Clean Soul
49:28 - Fin & Loop

Soothing music to Relax and Sleep Deeply. Background Music for Meditation and Relaxation. Peaceful atmosphere for study and better Focus. Inner Balance. Healing music. Wellness and Harmony of Body and Mind. Yoga, Massage, Spa.

Ces musiques douces conviennent aussi bien aux jeunes enfants qu'aux adultes. Elles ont le même effet calmant que les berceuses traditionnelles pour bébés.

These soft music suitable for both young children and adults. They have the same calming effect as traditional lullabies for babies.

Music Therapie. Peaceful Music for Sleep Deeply. Calming Music to Beat Insomnia. Harmony and relax of Body and Mind. Inner Balance. Relieves Stress and Reduces Tinnitus. Deep Sleeping Music. Background Music for Studying, Concentration, Focus on Learning. Yoga, Feng Shui, Reiki, Spa, Massages.

Liens vers nos chaînes YouTube ✰ Links to our YouTube channels: http://www.dailymotion.com/PassionCinema

Music 3, 5, 6 - Composer Kevin MacLeod: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100844
Licence Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0): http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Music 1 - Composer Audionautix: http://audionautix.com/
Licence Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0): http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

Photo: https://pixabay.com/static/uploads/photo/2013/05/31/19/44/artmatic-115085__180.jpg
Licence public domain CC0 1.0: https://pixabay.com/fr/service/terms/#usage