Here are 10 weird things that can kill you almost instantly.
Most of us know to be cautions of sharks and lightning, but, in reality, there are some rather big dangers out there that often go unacknowledged.
Here are 10 weird things that can kill you almost instantly.
Number 10. A meteor. Humans have been lucky when it comes to avoiding sizeable meteors and mass die-offs. However, if one measuring 50-meters-wide and speeding towards Earth at roughly 8 miles per second exploded in the air, it would be rather catastrophic. The probable effect has been likened to just under 140 atomic bombs going off at once.
Number 9. Stepping on a stone fish. The sea creatures are the most poisonous fish there is. They also really hate it when people step on them. When that happens, the creatures immediately release venom into whatever disturbed it. Effects are fast acting and can include heart stoppage, seizures,