
3 year old solves Rubiks Cube, Emily Gittemeier

2016-03-12 27 Dailymotion

3 year old Emily Gittemeier solves the cube for the second time, the first was just minutes prior to this video being shot. She learned by copying her brothers and .
Click here to Subscribe: 3 year old Emily Gittemeier solves Rubiks 2x2 in 15 seconds. She beat both her older brothers for the fastest time.
Click here to Subscribe: Emily Gittemeier at 3 years old solves the Rubiks Cube. Old from 2008. As a summer project she and her brothers .
Click here to Subscribe: This is how a 3 year old learns how to solve a Rubiks Cube, repetition. 3 yr old Emily Gittemeier practices three .