
League of Legends: ARAM (All Random All Mid) - Tahm Kench - Part 2 (3/08/2016) /w commentary

2016-03-11 14 Dailymotion

Heyo, This is part 2, be sure to watch part 1 first if you have not already done so. I am Playing ARAM on league of Legends with a few friends so there is commentary from all of us. In this game of ARAM I get Tahm Kench who I have never played before this game so I was excited to give him a shot cause I have seen some pretty decent Tahm Kenches before. I had a little trouble understanding him in part 1 but buy this time in part 2 I had the concept of him down pretty decent and he is fun to play imo.

Watch part 1: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3wq0hp_league-of-legends-aram-all-random-all-mid-tahm-kench-part-1-3-08-2016-w-commentary_videogames

Thanks for watching,

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