
SPLENDOR SOLIS ~ Lux et Tenebrae from LETUM...NON OMNIA FINIT by 2013 Album

2016-03-06 1 Dailymotion

Splendor Solis (lat -. "Shining Sun") was formed in the summer of 2010 in the north of Russia, when two long-time friend, tired of the bustle of the city, decided to move for a while with the country, taking with them the tools of a flute and the lute. In his works Splendor Solis appeal to the symbolism of the Apocalypse, the Catholic theological tradition, atmosphere and trappings of medieval Europe. But these images are only "visual cover" and is used to express ideas that have their origins deep in Theosophy and Buddhism.

In 2011, the group began to prepare material for the debut release "Letum - Non Omnia Finit" ( "Death - is not the end of everything"). This work Splendor Solis is dedicated to the endless series of reincarnations of the human soul. Having awareness of the (illusory world), work on yourself, the death, the way across the plains and gorges karmic mirages in the world Bardot and finally, the blinding light of truth, the moment of manifestation of the hope of liberation.

The term "apocalyptic" that we usually use to describe music Splendor Solis - not so much a common notion of musical style, as in the first personal appearance, complete extinction of the human ego. Mig personal "Last Judgement", a tipping point, beyond which never again follow the continuation of life on earth (at least for the individual hour of death, which has already come).

In the music of Splendor Solis used only live instruments, and lyrics are written in Latin. Despite their folk-form music Splendor Solis Thanks to its modern (or rather, eternally topical) spirit can be equally understood as a person XXI, and a man of the XV century.

Group members

Vocal, Guitar : Eugene

Flute : Andrei