
New Dragon Ball Z Game : Transformations (Super Saiyan) Xenoverse or Budokai Tenkaichi 3 Style?

2016-03-04 2 Dailymotion

In a new dragon ball z game, what kind of transformation style will we get? Dragon Ball Xenoverse or Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3?\r
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There could be a new Dragon Ball Z game in 2015/2016, so what transformation method will they use? They could go with the Xenoverse or Budokai Tenkaichi 3/Raging Blast style, which style of transformations will they go with? In Dragon Ball Xenoverse, many hated how the transformations were set up, allowing for ultimate attacks spam, in BT3/RB2 you were not able to spam that way, instead you were given a different moveset for the character and Super Saiyan didnt go away when you lost all your ki. What way of transformations is better? Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 or Dragon Ball Xenoverse style of transformations?\r
In Raging Blast 2 and Budokai Tenkaichi 3, transformations like Super Saiyan Goku or Super Saiyan Vegeta would be seperate forms you could select from the start and they would have different moves than the normal base forms. In Xenoverse, you can only select the base transformation of every character excluding Super Saiyan 1 Gohan. In Xenoverse you are able to spam all ultimate attacks until your ki runs out, then you lose your Super Saiyan form. In BT3 and RB2 you never go out of Super Saiyan unless you go back to base form on your own. How should they handle transformations such as Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan and other Saiyan,Majin,Namekian,Frieza Race character creation transformations? How do you feel about this?\r
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