
MM Hunter Macro Guide! - How to write macros! Warlords 6.2.3

2016-03-03 19 Dailymotion

A quick macro guide to what I use in BG's, you Can use this format for almost all macros, skill related!:

/cast [@”name”] Roar of Sacrifice(Cunning Ability)

#showtooltip Counter Shot
/cast counter shot

#showtooltip Counter shot
/cancelaura deterrence
/cast [@focus, exists] counter shot; counter shot

#showtooltip Aimshot
/cast Wild Gladiator's Badge of Conquest
/cast aimed shot

#showtooltip deterrence
/cast deterrence
/cancelaura deterrence

#showtooltip Disengage
/cast Disengage

#showtooltip kill shot
/cast kill shot