With absence of Nigel; Gareth and Keith press on. This week can the Wii U win, Far cry 4 and No Women, Oculus Sales, GTA and Linsday Lohan,Dual Shock 4 on PS4
How Can Wii U Beat PS4, Xbox One? It's all About Content, Nintendo Exec Says
Oculus Has Sold Over 100,000 Units of Its Rift VR Headset Targeted for Devs
Fox News Allegedly Rips Off The BioShock Infinite Logo
Far Cry 4 Will Be "Packed To The Gills" With Women
You Can Now Use The Dual Shock 4 Controller Wirelessly With Playstation 3
Lindsay Lohan Is Now Actually Suing Rockstar For Grand Theft Auto V
http://www.gametrailers.com/news-post/76339/lindsay-lohan-is-now-actually-suing-rockstar-for-grand-theft-auto-v #LetsGrowTogether