
Goku SSGSS by LegendTTA (Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan) DBH M.U.G.E.N

2016-03-02 1 Dailymotion

DOWNLOAD Goku Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan: \r
(find and click onClick here to start download from sendspace)\r
HOW TO ADD CHARACTER: Put the characters folder into char folder and copy its name. After that in data folder open select.def file as a text document and paste the name of the character where all the other names are (replace the minus (-) with the characters name). Save after that. \r
Techniques (Specials): Press Down + some button when you have enough energy. Charge energy by pressing Enter\r
Please follow Tomcsis work by Subscribing to his Channel: \r
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Goku SSGSS by Tomcsi (LegendTTA)\r
Beerus by Ryuuji Hagane (Edit of Cooler by Frs Games)\r
Stage: Goku´s home by Daeron (Team Z2)\r
Stage Music: DB Kai Dokan Dokan Instrumental\r
DragonBall Heroes M.U.G.E.N (Hi-Res) by RistaR87\r
Dragon Ball Heroes is a Japanese arcade game. It uses a card based system but instead of buttons the player need to move the cards on the game board. This is a M.U.G.E.N version of the game with 144 characters and more then 70 stages.\r
Please download, play, comment and rate! ^_^\r
See the full Dragon Ball Heroes Promotional Video here:\r
-Special Thanks to:\r
FRS GAMES, DGZ, Team OS, MugenMundo, Chrono Strife, Neocide, Pextin, Goten88, Sawady, Szowel, LegendTTA, Mephistopheles, Juanga, Necromancer, SaWWeN, D-GENERACIONZ Team, Bardock, Alien San, OZ, ItzGameman, Warner, Havoc, TeamSpoon, DBZPD, Ryon, Toad, Redneck, Cyanide, JABI, Julian_Sk, EmuBoarding, FlowaGirl, Kurihan, Cypher, Zerberus Dante, Wasaby, Midnight Fighters Team, JoJosport40, GZ- TEAM, GohanSSM2, Mugenfan2005, Dizzy, Roken, SSj3 Vejita, Saikyo, Marcus, ZGTE, geriDOS, ynvaser, Macilento, Cappero, Squall, vanquish3000, The Disciple x, OverMind, CHOUJIN, Ssonic, Benhazard, Dude, zero liger, nahue77, LoneWolf, YLS, UG, Guerreros Z Team, Ippo, Tapion, CLIFF-A, Emiliano_01, gabe555, Ryudo, hermoduro, Jailuis, Merufimu, Heartbreaker, Wenchu, EGC, BroliDos, Teh Goku Squad, Team Bbz Sb, Victor, Facudf Taringa, b-gg19, Tomo, Team SB, Gangsti, Jordanmaster, FroozenK, GokuSSJ5, Team Spirit Z, Dark King, Neo, Maj, Dragos, manbatshark8, Yoyoo Collao, Hacker@Han_Hin, TT, ZackSkywalker23, Ryuuji Hagane, Gladiacloud, Teromugen/Shin hayato and FinalBlast \r
for all the awesome characters :D\r
.and also Special Thanks to Balthazar and all the other creators of the magnificent stages I used. \r
Oh, and thanks to all the artist like metamine10, maffo1989, hsvhrt, tekilazo, 2d75deviantart, emiyansaiyan, bejitsu, raykugen, trunken200, boscha196, vicdbz, chrisemerald, drozdoo and cdzdbzgoku who drew those wonderful pictures I used for portraits :)\r
Tags: Dragon Ball AF by RistaR87 MUGEN Edition Roster GamePlay DBZ DragonBall Z GT DBAF Dragon Ball Super Multiverse Heroes Tenkaichi Battle of the Gods Goku Vegeta Gohan Trunks Piccolo Krillin Goten Gogeta Vegetto Gotenks Oozaru Golden Frieza Cell Buu Broly Android Ize Broly Bardock Bojack Janemba Roshi Raditz Nappa Bills Super Saiyan SSJ SSJ2 SSJ3 SSJ4 SSJ5 God Beerus Xenoverse Revival Fukkatsu no F free PC game Demo Trailer DOWNLOAD 2015 Movie 2016