
Calais: the dismantling of the jungle continues

2016-03-02 4 Dailymotion

Persuade migrants to leave the jungle of Calais, an exchange that often resembles a dialogue of the deaf, which may end in tense standoff with security forces.

The dismantling of the southern part of the camp continues, 15,000 square meters in the area have already been evacuated, shelters removed by bulldozers. Migrants do not understand why, after a journey of several thousand kilometers, they are forced to leave their new habitat.

#Calais The dismantling continues in the quiet https://t.co/3T7MO9Wzxq pic.twitter.com/jHnZzanTYK- France Info (@franceinfo) March 1, 2016

Live #CalaisJungle. Versatility pic.twitter.com/fXkv8ZZyiD- (@AssoPolyvalence) February 29, 2016

gas tear gas, throwing stones: early evacuation tense of the "jungle" of #Calais https://t.co/jCE1vdMIYw pic.twitter.com/YtLdeTGRkr- Liberation (@libe) February 29, 2016

The associations opposed to the evacuation believe that the operation was decided without about