
Whats My Destiny (Kai version) (Anime USA 2010 AMV) (DBZ sigla italiana / Italian theme)

2016-03-01 2 Dailymotion

This video updates moscardillos fantastic video ( sadly, no longer available publicly on YouTube ) by using only Dragon Ball Kai footage from the first 15 episodes. The song is Whats My Destiny Dragon Ball, by Giorgio Vanni, from the album Fivelandia 18. This is the song used as the theme for Dragon Ball Z in Italy. Almost all the scenes were taken almost shot-by-shot from the original video, but using corresponding Kai footage instead of Z footage. I filled in other scenes originally in the video (but not found in Kai) with other similar scenes that were from Kai.\r
The omake/credits at the end has audio from Episode 124 of Daizenshuu EX: The Podcast, found at and on iTunes. Tell Mike, Meri, and Julian I sent you! :)\r
More info and a downloadable version may be found at:\r