
NEW Lalaloopsy Potty Surprise with Baby Alive Doll Eating Surprise Poop & Diapers

2016-02-29 67 Dailymotion

Baby Alive Doll and New Lalaloopsy doll eat sand food and poop on the potty with the Potty Surprise playset. This is a brand new 2015 Lalaloopsy baby doll .
Pooping Shapes Magically award goes to baby Jewels Sparkles Lalaloopsy Potty Surprise Doll! Includes Grape, Apple and Carrot baby food, Bowl & Spoon, .
Baby Alive eats chocolate pudding snack pack & learns how to poop on the potty! This gross video shows Baby Alive Jessie eating her baby food pudding and .
New Lalaloopsy doll eat sand food that is like the sand play-doh and poop on the potty with the Lalaloopsy Potty Surprise playset. This is a brand new 2015 .