
Hell 2 da Naw Naw Bishop Bullwinkle Compilation - #Hell2daNawNaw Vine Compilation

2016-02-29 22 Dailymotion

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What is vine?\r
Vine is a short-form video sharing service. Founded in June 2012, it was acquired by microblogging website Twitter in October 2012, just prior to its official launch. The service allows users to record and edit five to six-second long looping video clips, and revine. Revine is where users can share other peoples posts with followers. Some Vines are revined automatically based on what is popular. The videos can be then published through Vines social network and shared on other services such as Facebook and Twitter. Vines app can also be used to browse through videos posted by other users, along with groups of videos by theme, and trending videos.\r
Vine enables users to record short video clips up to around six seconds long while recording through its in-app camera. The camera records only while the screen is being touched, enabling users to edit on the fly or create stop motion effects. Additional features were added to the app in July 2013; these include grid and ghost image tools for the camera, curated channels (including themed areas and trending topics/users), the ability to revine videos on a personal stream, and protected posts. In July 2014, Vine updated their app with a new loop count meaning every time someone watches a vine, a number on top of the video will appear showing how many times it was viewed. The loop count also includes views from vines that are embedded onto other websites.\r
Original vine links:\r
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