
Chappell Kingslands Sympsony #2 on themes from Danny Elfman (the Simpsons) and Beethoven

2016-02-27 0 Dailymotion

Rachel Patrick, diva violin soloist\r
Charles Latshaw, conductor\r
Bloomington Symphony Orchestra \r
February 24, 2013\r
Written by Chappell Kingsland, its a theatrically comical piece that blends Danny Elfmans theme from the Simpsons with Beethovens Fifth Symphony with a lot of other fun stuff in between. \r
The score calls for a diva violin soloist, a parody of the stereotypical diva soloist, who wants to force her musical vision (in this case, the theme from the Simpsons) on the orchestra, much to the chagrin of the conductor (who would much rather play Beethoven).tiaras, acting, a magic wand, disco dancing, all wrapped up into a ridiculously fun 9-minute piece.