
The Rick And Morty Theory - The Original Morty? - Cartoon Conspiracy (Ep. 74) @ChannelFred

2016-02-27 2 Dailymotion

The Rick And Morty Theory\r
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Rick and Morty follows the exploits of an alcoholic genius who drags his grandson across space and time for high concept sci-fi adventures! But is it possible that the Morty we know from the show isnt actually the original? This week on Cartoon Conspiracy, Emily will attempt to determine whether or not its at all possible that theres an evil Morty who wants revenge on Rick!\r
Welcome to Cartoon Conspiracy! Dive into the mysteries and fan theories of all things animation with your host Emily as she takes a critical look at how the theories hold up. \r
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Cast & Crew Credits\r
Starring: Emily Carson\r
Directed by: Emily Carson\r
Written by: Emily Carson & Jacky Pascal\r
Executive Producer: Fred Seibert\r
Producer: Jake Krengel, Matt Gielen, Carrie Miller\r
Edited by: Kristen Valdez\r
Background Art by: Matt Bolinger\r
Graphics by: Ambar Del Moral & James Weber\r
Music provided by:\r
The Little Critters by SBtracks\r
Infinite by AltoSync\r
8 bit Kids Commodore Revenge by HyppocampeSound\r
Original Theory: \r
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