
SURPRISE TOYS PINATA ULTIMATE SPIDER MAN Marvel Toy Opening Kinder Joy Egg Spiderman Videos For Kids

2016-02-27 1 Dailymotion

Some of the toys included in this video are: a Kinder Joy Chocolate Surprise Egg, three Marvel Ultimate Spiderman & Marvel Avengers Assemble capsules, a Marvel 500 figure, two DC Comics Series 2 Figural Keyrings, a Marvel Avengers Disney Vinylmation vinyl figure, two Marvel Secret Wars Collectors Keyrings, two Marvel Series 2 Collectors Keyring, and a Marvel Series 3 Collectors Keyring.\r
Heres how people say surprise eggs in other languages. In French: œuf surprise. In German: Ei Überraschung. In Hungarian: tojás meglepetés. In Italian: uovo sorpresa. In Japanese: 卵の驚き. In Korean: 계란 깜짝. In Lithuanian: kiaušinių siurprizas. In Portuguese: ovo surpresa. In Russian: яйцо сюрприз. In Spanish: huevo sorpresa. In Swedish: ägg överraskning. In Ukrainian: яйце сюрприз.\r
Music by Kevin MacLeod and YouTube\r
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