
MySQL Workbench Database Export and Import

2016-02-26 2 Dailymotion

In this video we will learn Database Export and Import using MySQL Workbench. Open MySQL Workbench and logged in to MySQL database server using 'root' username and password. In previous couple of videos we learned how to Create, Alter, Drop Databases and Tables and also how to Insert, Read, Update, Delete data rows using MySQL Workbench. In this lecture we will learn how to Export and Import the database using MySQL Workbench.

First of all to Export the databases or tables, from top menu 'Server' select 'Data Export' Option, which opens a new window of data export settings and options. The left section on the window displays all the existing databases on our MySQL database server. When we select a database by clicking on it, it displays all the respected tables under the selected database. We can select one or multiple database check-boxes to include the database in the Export file. Under 'Export Options' section, You can change the default export path of you choice. I'll keep the default one. By selecting first option that is 'Export to Dump Project Folder'. MySQL Workbench will save the save all tables as separate SQL file under one folder. Which is useful when you will be importing or restoring the export file one by one table. I'll go ahead quickly and first save as 'Export to Dump Project Folder', MySQL Workbench displays the progress bar and log. Now, I'll again export the database using 'Export to Self-contained File' option.

To demonstrate the import first I'll delete the existing 'students' table under 'mytestdb' database. Display database details by clicking on 'i' symbol, select 'tables' tab. Select and right click 'students' table, and click 'Drop Table' option, confirm and delete the table. Click 'refresh' to update the tables section and we have no table in our 'mytestdb' database. Now select the database and from 'data import' window, select 'import from dump folder. 'Load folder contents' and select only 'mytestdb' database and click start import button to import 'students' table again. Go to 'mytestdb' database information window again and click 'refresh' button to reload table list again. and the 'students' table is back.