
menino com 31 dedos - the boy with 31 fingers

2016-02-22 4 Dailymotion

- Garoto com 15 dedos nas mãos e 16 dedos nos pés\r
- Boy with 15 fingers and 16 toes\r
- Ninõ con 15 dedos y 16 dedos de los pies\r
- ragazzo con 15 dita e 16 piedi\r
- garçon avec 15 doigts et 16 orteils\r
- Jungen mit 15 Fingern und Zehen 16\r
- мальчик с 15 пальцами и 16 пальцами\r
A six-year-old Chinese boy born with 31 fingers and toes has undergone an operation to remove the extra digits.\r
During the 6½-hour surgery in Shengjing Hospital in Shenyang, China, doctors removed 11 fingers and toes. On each hand, some of the childs fingers were fused, according to the Daily Mail.\r
The unnamed boy, who according to his mother had been called a monster by his kindergarten classmates, may hold the world record for the greatest number of fingers and toes on a human being, according to the Daily Mail.\r
One of his hands had seven fingers and the other had eight. Four fingers on one hand and three on the other were fused.\r
The boys condition, polydactyly, is a relatively rare genetic disorder. Usually with this condition, the extra digits are on the little finger side of the hand. The Chinese boy seems to have central polydactyly, a rarer disorder in which the middle fingers are affected, according to the Daily Mail.\r
Os dedos são as extremidades dos membros dos mamíferos, mas também se dá este nome a alguns artículos dos apêndices de muitos artrópodes e de outros pequenos animais.\r
Nos mamíferos, o número básico de dedos em cada membro é de cinco, mas muitas espécies perderam alguns deles no decurso da evolução - os perissodátilos, por exemplo, têm um número ímpar de dedos (os cavalos e outros equídeos tem um único dedo e os rinocerontes têm três) e os artiodátilos têm um número par. Nestes animais, os dedos são formados por dois ou três ossos, chamados falanges.\r
Por outro lado, a malformação da mão ou do pé pode dar origem a um número de dedos diferente do normal:\r
a polidactilia é o caso em que se formam dedos supranumerários; \r
a microdactilia é o caso em que se formam menos dedos que o normal; e \r
a sindactilia é o caso em que se formam dedos unidos, quer pela pele (caso em que podem ser separados por cirurgia), quer pela fusão de dois ou mais ossos. \r
As extremidades exteriores dos dedos são protegidas por unhas, que podem ter a forma de garras ou cascos.\r
A finger is a type of digit, an organ of manipulation and sensation found in the hands of humans and other primates.[1][2] Normally humans have five digits, termed phalanges,[2] on each hand (exceptions are polydactyly, hypodactyly and digit loss). The first digit is the thumb, followed by index finger, middle finger, ring finger, and little finger or pinky. Some other languages use the same generic term for all five digits of a hand.\r
English dictionaries describe finger as meaning either one of the five digits including the thumb, or one of the four excluding the thumb (in which case they are numbered from 1 to 4 starting with the index finger closest to the thumb).[1][2][3] Linguistically, it appears that the original sense was to include the thumb as a finger: *penkwe-ros[citation needed] (also rendered as *penqrós[citation needed]) was, in the inferred Proto-Indo-European language, a suffixed form of *penkwe (or *penqe), five, which has[citation needed] given rise to many Indo-European-family words (tens of them defined in English dictionaries) that involve or flow from concepts of fiveness.\r
Chimpanzees have lower limbs that are specialized for manipulation, and (arguably) have fingers on their lower limbs as well. The term finger is not applied to the digits of most other animals, such as canines, felines, or ungulates, none of which can engage in fine manipulation with their forelimbs as a primate can.\r