
Weight Loss - The 3 Week Diet Review - How to Lose Weight Fast - Lose Weight - Fast Weight Loss

2016-02-19 19 Dailymotion

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I have always been what most would consider a “big girl”. In January 2014, I weighed 180 lbs (around 82 kilograms), which is quite overweight for a woman my height. I wasn’t always this weight though. In my teenage years, I weighed only 140 pounds and I felt much healthier and happier.

I strived desperately over the years to get back to this weight. But with a stressful and busy work life, I struggled to do so. Nothing seemed to work for me. I tried everything from diet pills to exercise machines I saw advertised on TV. I even tried crazy diets like the acai berry diet, and the green tea diet. They didn’t do anything for me. I was still overweight and considered myself ‘fat’.

That all changed in March 2014 though. I lost a staggering 23 pounds in only 21 days using an extreme diet I found online called The 3 Week Diet. I came across this diet after I read a news article about a famous Victoria Secret model who was using this exact same diet to lose loads of fat in preparation for photo shoots. If it worked for her I thought, shouldn’t it work for me?

I immediately started searching on Google and managed to find the official 3 Week Diet website. There, I watched a video by a professional nutritionist who revealed step-by-step what was needed to lose weight quickly. I was shocked, because noone had ever told me this information before! I had visited personal trainers, dieticians, and doctors, and in all these years, noone had ever told me these dieting secrets!

The next day I began the program. At first I thought it would be really difficult and that I would have to starve myself to see any progress. Boy was I wrong! I pretty much ate whatever I was eating before, but I made sure to eat it at the specific times when my metabolism was burning a thousand times faster than usual. I also made sure to include the secret fat burning foods listed in The 3 Week Diet with every meal. These things combined made the fat literally melt right off my body! How did I know what times my metabolism was burning fat and what foods to include in my diet? Well, Brian from The 3 Week Diet had laid it all out for me as soon as I joined the website. It couldn’t have been easier!

On the first day alone, I lost 2 lbs (around 1 kilogram). The next day, I lost a massive 3 lbs! By the end of the first week I had lost around 10 lbs (4.5 kilograms)! That was much more than I had anticipated. I thought I would lose around 5 lbs max! But 10 lbs in only 7 days! That was life changing! I continued to follow the diet for the entire course of 21 days, and by the end of the diet I had lost an earth-shattering 30 lbs of 100% pure body fat!

My dreams had come true!