
What is Electro Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) for Erectile Dysfunction (ED) ?

2016-02-18 20 Dailymotion

In this video, Dr Tan will discuss Electro Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) for Erectile Dysfunction (ED).

Men have been suffering from Erectile Dysfunction since the beginning of history and hence, many treatments for ED have been developed.

The problem with all these treatments is that they were either too inconvenient (vacuum pump), too painful (penile injections), too invasive (penile implants) or too short term (viagra).
这些治疗有许多有许多问题,包括不方便 (真空泵),太侵入(阴茎假体)或太短暂的效果(伟哥)。

Men all over the world needed a new approach to this problem. Something not too invasive and yet provided a more long term solution to their ED problem.

电Out of this need was discovered ESWT.

It works by delivering painless low intensity shock waves into the penis. This stimulates the penis to make new blood vessels. More blood vessels mean better blood flow into the penis and better erections.

Each treatment session lasts about 15 minutes and is completely painless. A patient can resume his normal activities immediately after the treatment.
Usually, 6 to 12 treatment sessions are recommended.
一般上,我们建议 6-12 次疗程。

Most patients will experience benefits that can last up to a year. After which, they may need just 1 or 2 sessions per year to maintain the improvement.

Come speak to us to find out if ESWT can work for you.

Thank you for watching. I am Dr Tan from Dr Tan and Partners.
