
FISHER-PRICE Laugh and Learn Puppy Home Activity Home Fisher Price Infant & Toddler Laugh and Learn

2016-02-15 1 Dailymotion

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The Fisher-Price Laugh and Learn Puppys Activity Home is a medium sized infant and toddler toy. We have reviewed quite a few toys over the last few years and this one may be the best. It is simple enough for an infant to operate, but it has enough features that it kept our 4 year old entertained!\r
- Has three modes - Learning mode (for the ABCs), Music Mode, and quiet mode.\r
- The top of the house opens and closes - which is fun for the child but it also allows for easy storage\r
- Comes with a puppy and a frog - and both act as rattle\r
- The home has lots of doors and switches that either light up or play sounds (and some do both).\r
- The door opens and closes and makes sounds\r
- Very tactile - different letters and shapes that can be touched and felt.\r
Negatives are pretty minimal -\r
- It does not have a volume control\r
- There is a chance that fingers could get pinched but it is pretty minimal\r
Final Verdict - The Fisher Price Laugh and Learn Puppy Activity Home is one of the best infant toys that we have reviewed. It provides fun music, shapes, and doors for that open or close.\r
5 Stars\r
This product was provided for an unbiased review\r
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