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In this part of my Styx: Master of Shadows gameplay we we continue to go thhrough this new area, we need to recover a pry bar from one of the Ozkan's hiding places.
Check it out and feel free to post a comment, rate the video and maybe even subscribe, it would help me out a lot and encourage me to keep going.
★ About the game:
The story takes place long before the events shown in Of Orcs and Men. Styx, the first Goblin, wants to steal the heart of a World-Tree enclosed inside the huge and terrifying Tower of Akenash. The very first of all the Goblins, he’s a master in the arts of stealth, theft, and murder. The depths of the miles-high Tower of Akenash, where Humans and Elves hide and protect the Tree, the source of the Amber, are the best chance Styx has of quickly amassing a small fortune and, perhaps, discover more about his true origins along the way.
★ Styx: Master of Shadows playlist:
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★ All music provided by:
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