
Goat Makes Weirdest Noises

2016-02-09 14 Dailymotion

Goat makes incredibly bizarre noises.

Remember when you had that college roommate or that co-worker in the cell cubicle next to you that just wouldn’t stop talking and not only would they not stop talking, they spoke so endlessly and in such strings of long, meandering sentences that it didn’t take long for their senseless spiel to become an audio blur, nothing more than a cacophony of weird sounds, very near a bleating or much like a babbling with words that held no more meaning to you than did the incomprehensible prattling of your freshman physics professor who was known to drone on in his basso profundo utterances that would be hard to follow if he were reciting to you next week’s lottery numbers and not the mere magic of electromagnetic energy but you try to follow anyway because you know there’s a test next week except your challenge is made more challenging by his heavy foreign accent and lip-reading would get you nowhere because of his thick black mustache that looked like an escapee from 1973 and by the end of the semester it was a wonder that you knew your quarks from your quanta.

This quirky goat makes incredibly bizarre noises in much the same way. We don’t know what he’s saying but he sure has the need to say it. Maybe he’s protesting his innocence and just wants the right to a fair trial by a jury of his goat peers.