
Subaru Impreza WRX STI Turboback exhaust sound DB Killer comparison

2016-02-06 2 Dailymotion

Comparison of the sound of a 3 Turboback Exhaust (with 200 cell cat and mid and rear muffler) with different DB-Killer Sizes. Launchcontrol at 3800 RPM 1.\r
on my Subaru Impreza WRX STI I want to give you an impression of the different sounds the 3 TBE can do with and without a DB-Killer in the exhaust tip.\r
Subaru Impreza WRX STi Exhaust Sound.\r
Toyosport Auspuff mit und ohne DB- Killer! DB-Killer hört sich nicht nur schei** an, er sieht auch noch so aus!\r
2007 Ford Fiesta ST190 - Cobra Non-resonated Decibel Killer Install. SKIP TO 2:34 TO MY NEIGHBOURS PIMPED VW UP! Couldnt find any guides, pics or .