
Can I get a Green Card from an E-2 Investment Visa?

2016-02-03 15 Dailymotion

Can I get a Green Card from an E-2 Investment Visa?

Since E-2 Investment Visas are non-immigrant visas, the investor’s intention is to return to the home country after their visa expires. This means that there is no direct way to convert an E-2 Investment Visa to a Green Card. However, there are some ways to get a Green Card from an E-2 Investment Visas:

– If you are an Alien of Extraordinary Ability or a Multinational Manager, you can file for Green Card – EB-1 even if you have E-2 investment visa.

– You might get the green card from your close US Citizen’s relatives.

– If you are an “alien of exceptional ability,” have an advanced degree or an equivalent level of experience, and can show that your services will greatly benefit the United States, then you may file a National Interest Waiver (NIW).

– If you have an employer who is willing to file a green card.

– You can also get Green Card on your E-2 visa if your investment is $500K or more.

If you have any questions regarding E-2 Investment Visa, feel free to reach our Law Firm at +1-212-245-70 70 or [email protected] email address.

Thank you.


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