
Play Doh Peppa Pig Cupcake Maker NEW Dough Candy Container Playset by Fun Toys Collector

2016-01-28 10 Dailymotion

Funtoys presents Chef Peppa Pig Cupcake Dough Playset new 2014 set using Play Doh. Includes Candy container, 3 Dough packs, 4 Cupcake Molds, 12 Decorative Molds, 24 Cake papers, 2 Cutting Tools, Piping Tool, 2 Spoons and Hours of fun! For ages 3 and over. Set also called: kinder Cupcake teig Spielplatzgeräte Spielzeug Tragetasche, Juguete para niñas plastilina Cerdita Peppa Torta Magdalena. Thx 4 watchin DisneycollectorBR Toychannel. Have ideas for toys dolls playsets just let me know.

Music from Kevin MacLeod.

Peppa is a cartoon for toddlers, infants and preschool children about a female pig that enjoys jumping in muddy puddles. Peppa Pig World includes Daddy Pig, Mommy Pig, George and his Chomposaurus Dinosaur. Here is how she is also called: Porca Peppa, Porquinha Peppa, Cerdita Peppa, 粉红猪小妹, ペッパピッグ, "Miss Pink Pig" "Praščić Pepa" "Prasátko Peppa" "Peppa Big" "Pipsa Possu" "Peppa Wutz" "Πέππα το Γουρουνάκι" "Πεππα το γουρουνάκι" "Świnka Peppa" "Purcelusa Peppa" "Свинка Пеппа" "Pepa Prase" "Pujsa Pepa" "Peppa Gris" "Gurli Gris" "Gurra Grís" "Peppa Pinc" "Pepa, la Porqueta" "Peppa no buta" "Peppa zhū" "pink Peppa" "Peppa Muc" "Peppa Malac" "Пепа Прасе" "пепа пигс".

Peppa-Wutz ist eine britische Zeichentrick-Fernsehserie für Kinder. Premiere fand im 2005 im Cartoon Network statt.Peppa Wutz ist ein weibliches Ferkel, das wie die anderen Tiere der Sendung vermenschlicht dargestellt wird.

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