
Real MEGALODON SHARK Sightings! - Largest Sharks Ever Are Still Alive

2016-01-27 80 Dailymotion

Real MEGALODON SHARK Sightings! - Largest Sharks Ever Are Still Alive

Maybe you know about World's biggest sharks (megalodons) from hungry shark evolution, gta 5 or bf4 but these giant sharks are actually real! They still live! These scary sea creatures still lurk in the huge dark ocean and search for victims... you'll see some real megalodon evidence in this video and you'll believe in their existence!

The 1st photo is from Australia where a giant megalodon attacked a surfer near the coast.. the surfer was quite scared because the enormous killing machine was after him and wanted to eat him... but he was brave and survived! He was faster than the massive shark! Megalodons are huge but slow... and that's why their favourite food are whales (blue whales) because they're slow and they can get them .... i don't even know why megalodon attacked the surfer it's too small to feed the monster...

The 2nd photo is another giant megalodon under a yacht in Black Sea. The giant monster appeared from nothing.. from the deep dark ocean ... people on the boat didn't see it - they were inside the vessel but a helicopter that was there took this photo... that's one of the best megalodons proofs ever! You can see how large is actually this terrifying shark... even the yacht looks so tiny comparing to it...

The 3rd image was taken in a huge aquarium in California. You maybe have watched some movies like Jaws where in one of the series there was a giant underwater aquarium and the great white went there... well this happened in this aquarium too but it wasn't a great white... it was something creepier - a megalodon... the giant was perhaps 90 ft in lenght ... very impressive shark!

The 4th picture - here you can see 2 divers who didn't know what a beast was hidding behind them ... the megalodon was caught on camera by another diver who saw the monster 1 second before the disaster ... and he was shocked! The megalodon was extremely fast... it swallowed these divers ..it didn't attacked the other diver ...he commented for the news after that '' i was sure that this beast will come and attack me... i don't know why but it just swam away after it ate my friends... '' ...what a scary story... megalodons are really so ferocious

The 5th photo - Megalodon appeared near a fishboat in North Sea... The man was just fishing when the monster came ...he was sared about it because it could attack his vessel... but maybe the boat was too small victim for the enormous creature ....

The 6th image - This is a helicopter rescue team ... the megalodon tried to attack the man ... he survived ...he commented for the newspapers ''i was there and i thought that this megalodon will swallow me.. its jaws were really huge.. they were bigger than my Cadillac Escalade SUV! I was afraid... really afraid ...''

The 7th picture - A man caught megalodon near Japan! Of course the megalodon swam away.. the photo was just taken at the right moment... several seconds before the creature went in the water again...

The last photo - this is the biggest megalodon i've ever seen! This picture here scares me for sure... megalodon can be really giant... there is nothing bigger on this Earth... This ''buddy'' is like a truck... no, even trucks are not so huge... the poor diver...

If you wanna see more megalodon evidence:

Real Megalodon Sightings! - World's Largest Sharks Ever Proofs - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kEMi...

Giant Megalodon Found in Mediterranean Sea! - Biggest Shark Ever - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJiR-...

Real MEGALODON Sightings! - World's Biggest Sharks Ever Are Still Alive - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-88C_...

Real GIANT MEGALODON Found! - The BIGGEST Shark Ever - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHVqW...

Real MEGALODON (Biggest Shark Ever) Found! - Giant MEGALODON - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdb8J...

Real MEGALODON Found! - World's Biggest Shark Ever - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIaWh...

I hope after all those megalodon proofs you believe now! They are still alive and that's so scary! Megalodons are so creepy creatures... there are a lot of legendary sea creatures like Loch Ness monster, mermaids (sirenas) or even kraken (for those of you who don't know that's the largest squid ever) but none of these beings are not neighter as huge as megalodons nor as terrifying as them... For example Loch Ness monster is large but it's just a kind dinosaur that doesn't attack anybody... mermaids? hm some people say that they're evil but let me ask you a question : can a mermaid break your boat.. or ship? No... but megalodon can! Sirenas are not huge at all they are like humans.. and yeah they're fake of course! So most of these mythical creatures are just ''mythical'' and nothing more ... only megalodon is genuine! Megalodons are the scariest thing that you can see underwater!

What do you think about megalodons? Comment!