
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso Episode 10 Review 四月は君の嘘 - Kouseis Resolve

2016-01-25 1 Dailymotion

KOUSEI LITERALLY TRANSFORMED - with his resolve to play for Kaori \r
THAT PERFORMANCE CHANGED DRASTICALLY - went from treash to one of the most beautiful (and kousei finally plays with his feelings in the music unrestrained and not adhering to the mechanical style ingrained by his mother)\r
Only big problem with this resolution is Kaoris health - if she is terminally ill as i suspect Kousei will have to overcome similar trauma as with his mother - heavy feels incoming with this series and i gotta be prepared\r
everyone should be aboard this incredible feel train right now\r
Forgot to mention that post ED scene (that women seems beast - calling Kousei Mr. Mediocre - what relationship does she have to him? \r