
Almost died - Almost died in car accident today

2016-01-25 2 Dailymotion

Hey all, just thought I would share my harrowing near-experience with death I went through just a few hours ago. I was driving my vette from LA back to my house in San Jose today on 101 (driving insanely fast of course, stupid of me) when I came up on a two lane stretch that seemed pretty empty for the most part. The road was very hilly and on one particularly large hill I was flying up on at 80 mph, I encountered a large truck and a smaller car driving nearly parallel to each other on the other side. I had almost no time to react since I was going almost 90 at the time, but had enough time to look at the truck and realize I was about to die. The truck and the car had a gap just small enough between the back of the truck and the front of the car for me to squeeze through rather than colliding with either one, or driving off the hill(I honestly didn't think I would make it throught the gap, but did it as a last ditch attempt). I made it through and after the initial gasps of my passenger and I quieted down, we remained in pretty much stunned silence for around 10 minutes. My hands were shaking, and my heart felt like it had moved up in my chest. It's incidents like this that over-ride my skeptical side and make me seek some higher power to explain why I am still alive right now. Thanks for listening.