
M16 L Auto Suppressed

2016-01-24 1 Dailymotion

Colt M16 / M4 Carbine Shooting L Auto Rock and Roll. God Bless America!

Bud's Gun Shop: Blasting with this fine little WWII ...

Colt M16 A1 L Auto Brust.

Playing with a friend's Ly legal M16 with a Razorback Belt Fed .22LR Upper Awesome fun stuff! The owner is the cameraman in case the BATF is watching ...

Custom L Auto AR-15 Conversion: Shooting a Custom M16 or L Auto AR-15 built by High Powered Armory in Youngstown Ohio. Having some fun with a ...

This video is about how a machine gun, in P-icular, an AR15 M16 M4 L auto, select fire, carbine functions and the differences between it an a semi auto ...

Shooting and discussing the iconic M16 / AR15 / M4 platform. The upper on this select fire lower is actually my 6920 Colt, which performs flawlessly. Thanks ...

me and the bees out in Fallon lighting of ALOT of ammo.

Umlaut Industries was nice enough to bring along his Ly automatic Beowulf AR for us to play around with recently. Overall the gun was problem-free. On L ...

After spending the last several months writing his blockbuster book (The Truth About Liberty, ...

SUBSCRIBE to GY6vids @ - It is a discussion that everyone has..."Which is better, AK-47 or M-16?" ...I hope this gives you ...

This will show you exactly what is happening inside an M16. How the bullets load, how the bolt closes, how the gas works, and how the bullet extracts. Very cool!

The power of the M-4 assault rifle. Compact version of he M-16. Filmed in Afghan Mountains February 2?, 2006.

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Sorry, but SOMEBODY has to demonstrate incredible accuracy on these itty bitty metal targets! :-) Thanks again to Eric at NC Silencer: ...

Fun Gun Reviews Presents: The M16 rifle. A legendary weapon that has served the U.S Military and other major armies for over 40 years. Still serving strong in ...

i got the chance to shoot the m16 at L auto it was pretty cool.

Follow us on Facebook @ Brandon401401 Kirsti runs a magazine through a L-AUTO M16 5.56.

Shooting Surefire 60rd with a L Auto M16 First look at the new Surefire 60 round AR15 Magazine L Auto Shoot Surefire 60rd M16 / AR15 Magazine ...

ph- 440-218-7333 This is the new belt fed ar15, m16, belt feed by Valkrie armament based out of north east...

Aficionados of the M16 ought to enjoy seeing this L auto suppressed AR-15 rocking and rolling. Much thanks goes out to my friends over at Wisconsin Tactical ...

First things first.....the RDIA

M16 L Auto Fun

M16 L Auto Fun