
MLP FIM season 3 ep.1 Too many Pinkie Pies review

2016-01-22 2 Dailymotion

Hey whats going on once again Bros women bronies and pegasisters Nintendofreak2011 back here again with another NLP FIM season 3 episode review !(hell yeah bitches!) Anyways i was really anticipating this episode this past week so damn much. Cause it has one of my favorite ponies tahts the main character on this episode (none other than)
Pinkie Pinkdamena Diane Pie =D! SO basically the episodes called too many pinkie pies, Which pinkie pies the main character for this episode (which was awesome as hell!) Which was basically about her trying to hand out with al of her pony friends all at the same time.When she realizes that Rainbow Dash and AppleJack have an event that they want pinkie pie to come to,pinkie pie as a hard time decided on which one she should go to.So thats when she goes to this Mysterious Magical lake unground the Everfree Forestthat clones ponies as many times as they want!After that shes in all of the events at the same time but doesnt go accordint to plan for sweet adorable pikie pie =( So once tahts through, then twilight and pinkie come up with a good to make all the pinkie pies go to mayor ponys office auditorium and twilight makes the pinkies take a test to see who can stare at the Wall paint the longests without getting bored or distracted by their surrounding.So one by one the pinkies get eliminated and sent back to the pond from once they came lolz!At the end of the episode, pinkie pie learns her lesson on just to go to one event at a time (even if she cant make it to another one)and the episodeends with the mane 5 ponies going to celebrate pinkies good decision ,but she faints in her house and takes a long nap of her overloaded tiems of fun.,See you next time bros women bronies and pegasisters im gone and GTFO here ill see you next week on another episode review ok laters im out PEACE!