
LEGO Star Wars The Complete Saga #23 - A New Hope - Obi Wan Kenobi vs Darth Vader

2016-01-20 17 Dailymotion

We dip our toes into Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga which would eventually become the basis for numerous Lego Star Wars Movies a Lego Star Wars Clone Wars sequel game and hopefully we will see a Lego Star Wars The Force Awakens Official Trailer. But maybe that is just wishful thinking and we will have to wait until Star Wars Episode 8 and Star Wars Episode 9 are released before we see a new Lego Star Wars Game but for now we have this and Star Wars Battlefront.

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Gameplay -
The aim of the game is to successfully make it through the entire story and collect the gold pieces while progressing through the game. In the Wii, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions there are 160 to collect; 120 of these are for the main levels. There are three for each of the levels. One is for completing the level in story mode, the second is for collecting a set amount of studs/coins to achieve a True Jedi status and the third is by collecting the 10 LEGO canisters, called minikits, which are hidden around the level. There are 20 gold bricks for completing the Bounty Hunter missions which involve finding key members of the Republic and Rebellion for Jabba the Hutts capture and subsequent ransom. There are 6 gold bricks for completing the bonus missions and 14 to buy at the Cantina. There are 36 story levels, 20 bounty hunter missions, and six bonus levels (two Lego Cities, two story levels, and the original pod race and gunship levels). Most of the story levels are the same as those found in the original games.
Playable Characters -
Qui-Gon Jinn,Obi-Wan Kenobi (Padawan), TC-14, Jar Jar Binks, Queen Amidala, Captain Panaka, Padmé (Battle), R2-D2, Anakin Skywalker (Boy), Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Master), R4-P17 Anakin, Skywalker (Padawan), Padmé (Geonosis), C-3PO, Mace Windu, Padmé (Clawed), Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode İ), Anakin Skywalker (Jedi), Chancellor Palpatine, Commander Cody, Chewbacca, Wookiee, Darth Vader, Stormtrooper, Gonk Droid, PK Droid, Battle Droidm, Battle Droid (Security), Battle Droid (Commander), Droideka, Naboo Royal Guard, Padmé (Casual), Darth Maul, Red Doubled Bladed, Clone Trooper, Geonosian, Battle Droid (Geonosis), Super Battle Droid, Jango Fett, Boba Fett (Boy), Ki-Adi-Mundi, Luminara, Kit Fisto, Shaak Ti, Count Dooku, Grievous Bodyguard, General Grievous, Clone Trooper (Episode İ), Clone Trooper (Episode İ, Pilot), Clone Trooper (Episode İ, Swamp), Clone Trooper (Episode İ, Walker), Mace Windu (Episode I), Disguised Clone, Luke Skywalker (Tatooine), Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper), Luke Skywalker (Pilot), Luke Skywalker (Hoth) Luke Skywalker (Dagobah), Luke Skywalker (Bespin), Luke Skywalker (Endor), Luke Skywalker (Jedi), Han Solo, Han Solo (Dagobah), Han Solo (Hoth), Han Solo (Hood), Han Solo (Endor), Han Solo (Skiff), Ben Kenobi, Princess Leia, Princess Leia (Prisoner), Princess Leia (Hoth), Princess Leia (Slave), Princess Leia (Endor), Princess Leia (Boushh), Princess Leia (Bespin), R2-Q5, Rebel Trooper, Captain Antilles, Rebel Friend, Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian, Lando (Skiff Guard), Rebel Pilot, Rebel Trooper (Hoth), Jawa, Yoda, Wicket, Gamorrean Guard, Imperial Spy, TIE Fighter Pilot, Dath Star Trooper, Greedo, Gonk Droid, Tusken Raider, Stormtrooper, Sandtrooper, Snowtrooper, Beach Trooper, Darth Vader, The Emperor, IG-88, Bossk, Boba Fett, Bib Fortuna, Grand Moff Tarkin, Imperial Officer, Ugnaught, Ewok, Imperial Guard, Palace Guard, Skiff Guard, Bespin Guard, Dengar, 4-LOM, Lobot,Admiral Ackbar, Imperial Shuttle Pilot, Ben Kenobi (Ghost), Yoda (Ghost), Anakin Skywalker (Ghost).
Bonus Characters -
Indiana Jones, Training Remote, Buzz Droid, Skeleton, Mouse Droid, Womp Rat, Rebel Engineer, Imperial Engineer, AT-AT Driver, Scout Trooper, Han Solo (Frozen in Carbonite), Droid 1, Droid 2, Droid 3, Droid 4.
Lego Star Wars Gameplay
Lego Star Wars Walkthourgh
Lego Star Wars Cheat Codes
Lego Star Wars Ending
Lego Star Wars guide
Lego Star Wars End
Lego Star Wars codes .

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