خط انتاج شيبس البيلت (( LP250 ))
شركة هندسية متخصصة في صناعة خطوط الشيبس وخطوط التعبئة والتغليف الالية
مقر الشركة في تركيا
جميع الآلات المصنعة في شركتنا حائزة على شهادة مطابقة الجودة العالمية ISO 9001 . ISO 14001. ISO 18001
جميع الآلات المصنعة في شركتنا حائزة على شهادة ال CE
للتواصل :
[email protected]
TEL : 00905301485665
Pellet Chips Fryer Production Line Brand LP250
Technical Specifications
Pellet feeding Device
Main Tank made of 304 Stainless steel
Alarm sensor when materials finish Variable speed Vibrator to control the flow into the fryer
The Main Fryer and accessories:
Made of 304 Stainless steel 170 L size
Dashboard Standard specifications and sophisticated protection systems
from SCHNEIDER- France and LS- Korea
Carrier track for chips thermally insulated from outside and scientifically thoughtful electrical heating system to distribute the heat evenly oil basin
Electric air heaters with 2 electronic thermometer AUTONICS-Korea
Gradually take off system to save electricity
Fryer motor 1 hp Italian With gearbox (Italian)
The fryer device equipped with filters and ventilation s to expelled steam from the oil LS Korea
Electronically Floater to control the process of oil compensate automatically and accurately Recycling and filtering oil pump (20,000 m 3/hour)
Heat-resistant chrome pump to oil compensation 3/4 hp EBARA (Italy)
The line can be worked on gas fuel with some changes in devices and the price
Oil compensation tanks made of double jacket 304 Stainless steel (300 L) Fryer provided with sophisticated protection system to protect against the risk of tampering hours of heat or any sudden malfunction may affect, the temperature sensors with horn alarm and switched off automatic device
Chrome grille conveyer
Made of 304 Stainless steel (2 m length) and oil tank
It can be provide with a mechanism for the full hot air drying of grain chips from oil the motor brand Italian half hp With gearbox (Italian) and with filtered oil tank made of Stainless steel
Flavor device
Circular cylinder made of 304 stainless steel
Speed control inverter
Flavor pump controller
Flavor spray (American design) with inverter
Wheeled legs to easy moving
(motor brand Italian With gearbox (Italian)
Flavor Mixer
made of 304 stainless steel 2 m length
Speed control inverter brand LS Korean
Motor Italian half hp With gearbox (Italian)
Receiving the product that ready for packing in a large bags 2 m length
Conveyor is made of PVC and the body made of 304 stainless steel
Motor Italian half hp With gearbox (Italian
Tools box