
Be A Guitar Teacher - Unit 5 - Technique - Muting

2016-01-17 0 Dailymotion

Be A Guitar Teacher - the world's first complete guitar teacher course. Learn how to start teaching guitar and become a successful guitar teacher. Excerpt from unit 5 - Technique. http://www.beaguitarteacher.com/

Unit 5 of the Be A Guitar Teacher course focuses on guitar technique. There are many different guitar techniques including alternate picking, fingerpicking, hybrid picking, tapping, sweeping and economy picking. In the Be A Guitar Teacher course, you will learn how to teach each of these guitar techniques to your guitar students. Starting with the fundamentals of each area, the course explains and provides numerous examples and demonstrations of each technique in action. This includes specific tasks to set your guitar students of varying levels of difficulty.

This clip introduces left and right hand muting. This is one of the most important techniques in rock guitar playing. The ability to suppress unwanted open string noise is essential to becoming a polished rock player. In this clip the techniques are explained and demonstrated slowly and clearly, just as you should explain when you teach your guitar students.

The whole of the Be A Guitar Teacher course is filled with equally high quality examples and demonstrations that will provide you with many years of guitar teaching material, as well as clear advice on what approaches to take.

To learn more about how to become a successful guitar teacher, visit the Be A Guitar Teacher website. There you will find numerous screenshots and clips from throughout the course. There is also a compete breakdown of the course content and numerous free articles for guitar teachers. To buy the Be A Guitar Teacher course just click through to the Buy Now page. Once you have completed your purchase your instant download will begin.