
Gospel of our living Father is for those who have Living Christ in their heart and not for the dead in letters Christian

2016-01-14 3 Dailymotion

Gospel of our living Father is for those who have Living Christ in their heart and not for the dead in letters Christians of the Book.

Hi Brethren,

Christ Jesus was the Messiah and He came to redeem the lost sheep out of the hundred, the people of Judah tribe. The people of Judah tribe had become unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh by becoming Jew outwardly. Clever people of Judah tribe being well-versed in the written Torah dominated the Temple as Jews outwardly from Judah to Judaism to Jew. Jew is a spiritual self and by becoming outwardly of flesh or tribe, they renounced their own Judah tribe and by doing so, they became the sons of Most High Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa. So, it were the people of Judah tribe by replacing the Judah tribal identity with Jew outwardly that they renounced or forsake their Judah tribe as you cannot have two tribes or fathers. On this basis, Jesus sitting in the Temple near the Treasury told the Jews outwardly especially of the Judah tribe that your forefathers are super bastard fanatic Devils - John 8v44 - and the Jews replied that they were not born of the fornication as earlier the woman caught in adultery was going to give birth to a bastard for adultery. But Jesus being not a Moral Teacher as John, the Baptist was, did not accuse or punish the poor woman by stoning her to death but being of our Supernatural Father God, He told them the nature of the super bastards that dominate this world today when you replace your rightful tribal self with Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, Labour, Conservative, Communist, etc. saying bye bye to your tribal fathers. That is why those who will be saved, 144000 of the twelve tribes of Israel, are all mentioned by their tribes and not as Jews. In fact, this Planet earth is for the peaceful living of the sons of Adam called sons of Man and not for the super bastard fanatic devils Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, Jew, etc. Chosen People are a nation of Priests and today, they are getting bundled up for the Final Burning - Matt. 13v24-30.

So, the Second coming of Jesus was Nanak of the Punjab and this Golden Temple is the replacement of the Holiest of Holy; the same size. It is standing in the Bethesda Pool of Mercy called Amrit Srovar.

For more, watch my over 4700 Youtube Videos; channel nijjhar1.

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In Jesus, we are to be solitary.
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Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
Fanatics are super bastard Devils – John 8v44:-
Much confused Trinity is explained:-
Playlist:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0C8AFaJhsWyU_oUMJodHvSZGoNDPk5bu
John's baptism:-
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Punjabi Book:-
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