
175 早餐燒餅油條 Breakfast fried fritters

2016-01-13 1 Dailymotion

4. 憎恨別人對自己是一種很大的損失。
9. 不要太肯定自己的看法,這樣子可以減少後悔。
14. 內心充滿忌妒,心中不坦白,言語不正的人,不能算是一位內徳端正的人。
18. 不要刻意去猜測他人的想法,如果你沒有智慧與經驗的正確判斷,通常都會有錯誤的。
25. 能為別人設想的人,永遠不寂寞(將心比心)。
30. 永遠扭曲別人善意的人,無法看出對方的優點與真心。 4 The hatred of others that he is a great loss.
9. Do not be too sure of his own views, this way you can reduce regret.
14. filled with envy, do not mind frankly, speech errors of people, can not be considered a person within the correct DS.
18. Do not bother to speculate on other people's ideas, if you do not have the right to judge the wisdom and experience, there are often wrong.
25. The envisaged for others who never lonely (Care).
30. intentioned people who never distorted, can not see each other's advantages and heart.