
Pranayama - Yoga Breathing, Breathing Exercises, Yoga for Stress Relief - English

2016-01-07 3 Dailymotion

Pranayama introduction Pranayam; Last premium yoga mat article we talked about pranayama and did a small introduction to the whole subject. It is important to remember a number of facts before we move on with this idea.
Number one -- A deep practice of Pranayama yoga is not going to the gym or doing aerobics.
Number two -- We must practice responsibly, as this practice of breathing moves things in our body and mind far beyond our grasp.
Number three -- This practice of Pranayama is the core of all yoga asanas and yoga poses
Number four -- It can be practiced off your premium yoga mat
The strong connection us westerners have created between the concept of yoga and poses is not so deep as it seems. Yoga, as many of us already know, is not only about the physical asanas, which are only a good tool for those of us, and actually most of us me included, who want to move on and make some sort of spiritual development and are choosing not to live a yogi life to the fullest. So let us move on to the more interesting part of this article and that is understanding what is pranayama yoga.

"Premium Yoga Mat about Pranayama Yoga"
So now on premium yoga mat I have decided to take a step off the beaten track of explaining about mats and the correct postures and asanas of yoga, and move towards what I find a tiny bit more interesting than the physical "labor" of yoga poses, and that is, You guessed it -- Pranayama. What is this thing anyway??
Pranayama is Practice Of The Life Force. "Prana" in Sanskrit means life-force, and "Ayama" means extending, to extend and control. Yeah, I know it sounds a bit strange and new-age kind of thing, but this is ancient Sanskrit and in order to understand meaning of a word and a language, one must truly attempt to understand the spirit of things, the spirit of the times this word and language was created, and the what stands behind this declaration. In other words, you must grasp the "zeitgeist", or "The spirit of the times".

"Premium Yoga Mat -- Basic Pranayama info"
So some of you are probably asking yourselves by now -- "How come he is not spilling it out already?? why do I have to read all these facts and ideas? I just want to practice breathing!!". Well, if you wish to know how to practice pranayama breathing you should, according to what I was taught, you must first get the basics down. Building a structure on unstable and not so solid foundations can lead to a quick break-down of the entire doctrine, and when dealing with the core of Yin and Yang in the body, which is what is done by an accurate and persistence practice of pranayama, one must know what he is doing. Of course, the western approach to things is not that deep and full of inspiration, even things as deep as Pranayama but here on premium yoga mat I can walk at my own paste, and I invite you to try and walk with me for a while, and see if it feels good.

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