
Yoga For Glowing Skin - Facial Beauty Tips in Tamil

2016-01-07 2 Dailymotion

Salabasana -- Lie down on your stomach, Keep your hands below your thighs and Raise your right leg. Slowly bring the leg down and take your left leg up. Slowly bring that leg down and later raise both your legs. Repeat this regularly. Benefits -- Reduces weight and make muscles strong. Kondasana -- Lie down on your side, Support your head with your hands and keep it raised above the ground. Now, keeping your leg straight raise it as high as you can. Bring it down slowly. Repeat this on the other side. Benefits -- Helps build your abs and muscles. Padchalan Kriya -- Lie down on your back, Raise your legs slowly while spreading them outwards. Bring them together straight up in the air and lower them slowly on the ground. Later raise both your legs and move them in cycling motion. Later lie on your back and bending your knees place your flat feet on the ground. Bring your hands over your chest and hold them together. Raise your body and try to touch your nose to your knee. Benefits -- Helps tone your legs. Katibalasana -- Lie on your back, Fold your arms across the chest, bend your legs and keep your feet placed flat on the ground. Raise your head and body off the ground and hold in this position. Lower your back slowly. Benefits -- Helps build your abs and muscles. Navakasana -- Lie on your stomach, keep your chin up and spread your hands up straight out in front of you. Slowly raise your right hand and left leg off the ground and hold this position. Benefits - Helps build your abs and muscles. Utkatasana -- Sit in a lotus position and carry a weight rod on your shoulder and place your hands on the rod. Twist your torso alternatively to the left and right. Benefits -- Helps build your abs and muscles. Pranayam - This mudra is formed by sitting in cross legged position. Hold your breath and close the right nostril with your thumb and inhale deeply through the other. Repeat the same with the other nostril. Benefits -- Clams your mind and cleanses your system. Watch full length Tamil movies, hot Tamil videos and sexy Tamil.

This is a wonderful fruit-pack to get a healthy and glowing skin. Try it!!

1. apple
2. banana
3. vitamin-e capsule
4. honey
In this yoga video learn how to use yoga to get beautiful skin.

Beauty Tips - Face Pack for Instant Glowing Skin. A paste made of Lentil flour, Milk & Lemon Juice can remove dead cells and give a natural glow to your skin.