
Yoga Mudra - Mudras Gesture and Benefits In Tamil

2016-01-07 15 Dailymotion

Hand mudras are symbolic gestures that are used to stimulate different body organs, glands and nerves to create new energy. Regular practice of hand mudras brings physical health and peace of mind.
1) Gyan Mudra -
Is the mudra of knowledge. It is an ancient technique practiced by yogis to attain peace of mind. You gently press the tip of your thumb to the tip of your index finger, keeping your other 3 fingers in an upright and relaxed position. The tip of your thumb has centers for pituitary and other endocrine glands. So the pressing of a thumb tip activates them.
Gyan mudra helps to sharpen your memory, improves your mental focus, concentration and spiritual feeling. Furthermore, this mudra deals with sleep problems, anxiety, hysteria and depressive symptoms.
2) Vayu Mudra --
Deals with the element of wind. This finger position can effectively remove any accumulated wind in your stomach. Place your thumb down on your index finger, and keep all remaining 3 fingers comfortably straight. Vayu mudra cures any stomach issues, arthritis and the symptoms of Parkinson's diseases.
3) Shankha Mudra --
Is related to the throat area. It invokes positive energy and self-development. You encircle your thumb with your 4 fingers on the right hand. Then you touch the right thumb to the extended index finger of the left hand. Shankha mudra promotes the process of meditation and enhances your mental state or serenity, calmness and harmony.
4) Linga Mudra --
Is used as a remedy for the lungs, guarding against colds and cold weather. You interlock your fingers over each other and keeping your thumbs in an upright position. Linga mudra produces heat in your body and strengthens your immune system. Experts advise drinking ample of water to balance the excess heat produced with this mudra.
5) Varuna Mudra --
Balances the water element in your body. It enhances your physical beauty. You join the tips of your thumb to your little finger. Varuna mudra is great for low blood pressure, asthma, cold and cough symptoms, and sinus congestion. Regular practice of this mudra restores moisture in dry skin, removes impurities from your blood and keeps you beautiful.