
Pranayama For Eye Exercise - Breathing Exercise - Treatment, Tips & Cure in Tamil

2016-01-06 63 Dailymotion

Pranayama is a form of yoga exercise, which deals with managing the breathing patterns within.

Meaning :

Prana means vital energies and ayama means stretching. Pranayama means stretching the vital energies within through regular breathing exercises.

Technique :

Bhastrika Pranayam

Bhastrika means bellowing and thus this is a kind of breathing pattern, which enhances the circulation of blood in the head thus improving vision. Sitting in Padmasana with spine erect fold the right hand and close the right nostril with the thumb. Breathe in and breathe out with force through the left nostril. Now breathe in and breathe out with the right nostril.

Kapalbhati Pranayama

This is a yoga exercise for the eyes, which cleanses the lungs and improvise blood circulation thus giving better vision. Sitting in Padmasana support the back on a wall and close the yes keeping the hands in the yoga mudra. Breathe in quickly and breathe out fast. this helps in maintaining the flow of blood within thus giving good vision.

Bahya Pranayam

This is again a great yoga exercise for the eyes. This is a great way to cure disorders of the stomach and the reproductive organs. This improves circulation within and is a beneficial cure for eye problems.

Sit in Sukhasana, and breathe in thus emptying your lungs by exhaling with force. Holding the breath keep the chin against the chest and pull your stomach inwards. Called the Udhiyana Bandha this helps to hold the groin muscles thus giving overall benefit.

Anulom Vilom Breathing Technique

Also called alternate breathing technique this begins by sitting in Padmasana and resting the palms on the knees. Lift the right hand and close the right nostril with the thumb. Now inhale deeply with the left and allow exhalation through the right nostril. Repeat with alternate nostrils and enjoy this yoga exercise for the eyes.

Pranayama is a great yoga exercise for the eyes and provides you with easy breathing exercises and techniques, which are good for eye health.