
Utkatasana For Bodybuilding - Exercise For Stretching and Twisting - Treatment, Tips & Cure in Tamil

2016-01-06 294 Dailymotion

According to the literal translation of the Sanskrit word utkata the term utkatasana means a powerful pose. The power here refers to the life energy present within and around a person. Utkatasana teaches one the way to illuminate the inner energy.
Method of Utkatasana?
Start with standing straight in Tadasana (tree pose). Inhale while stretching your arms forward and up in parallel line. Exhale, bending your knees with thighs as nearly parallel to the floor as possible and heels pressed into the ground, legs and knees together, and keeping spine, chest head, and arms in line. Hold as a static pose for four to eight breaths. To recover, reverse your path taken into the position, inhaling as your return to upright with arms over head, and exhaling as your lower your arms down to your sides. As a dynamic version, repeat moving into and out of the post, coordinating breath with movement. Repeat the dynamic version four to eight time in a slow and controlled manner.
Body Building; Yoga, a system of holistic wellness, helps prevent injuries and keeps the muscles loose with the practice of asanas, or poses. Regular practice of yoga asanas may help bodybuilders recover from muscle fatigue often experienced as part of their training. As with any new exercise routine, consult your doctor first.
Legs up the wall pose will relieve chronic soreness in the leg muscles that bodybuilders often experience. Come to a seated position, near a wall. Bring one of your hips to touch the wall and swivel your body until your legs are up the wall and your upper body is relaxing on the floor. You may place a pillow under your head for added comfort. Stay in the pose for at least five minutes. Exit the pose by slowly rolling to one side.
You will need two yoga blocks for this pose. Place one yoga block in a flat position and the other in a medium position. Come to a seated position with your knees bent and lay your shoulder blades on the flat block and your head on the medium block. Bring your shoulder blades close together and down on the block and relax your arms out to the sides with your palms up. Stay in the pose for at least five minutes. This pose will relieve tightness in the chest muscles often experienced by bodybuilders.
Hero pose, or virasana, will relieve tightness in the knee joints, according to yoga master B.K.S. Iyengar. Come to a kneeling position with your buttocks sitting on the floor between your heels. Stay in the pose for one minute. Exit slowly and bring both legs straight out in front of you. Relax for one minute and repeat twice.
Regular practice of lifting weights causes the muscles to be fatigued. Giving your body enough time to repair is crucial in preventing injury and maintaining high energy levels. Practicing restorative yoga, also known as relaxing yoga will help your muscles recover as well as reduce stress. Start by practicing basic relaxation pose. Simply lie on your back with a pillow under your head and a rolled towel under your thighs. Relax your arms and legs naturally. Stay in the pose for up to 15 minutes. Exit the pose by slowly rolling to one side.