
Chandrabhedan Pranayam Yoga - Breathing Exercise for Insomnia

2016-01-06 2 Dailymotion

"Chandra is the moon. Bhedana means passing through. In Chandra Bhedana Pranayama inhalation is done through the left nostril and exhale through the right. It is said that energy passes through ida (chandra) nadi on the inhalation and through pingala or surya nadi on the exhalation. These are larger nadis that hold the balance of magnetism and energy created by the sun and moon. They travel from the base of the spine to the point between the eyebrows.

Steps :
1) Sit in a meditative pose or in a comfortable position on the floor.
2) Keep your back straight and shoulders relaxed.
3) Close your right nostril with right hand thumb.
4) Inhale from the left nostril.
5) Close the left nostril with the right hand index and middle fingers.
6) Exhale from the right nostril.

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