
Salabhasana For Back - Backbend Exercise - Treatment, Tips & Cure in Tamil

2016-01-06 6 Dailymotion

Salabhasana, the locust, is the seventh of the 12 basic postures of hatha yoga, and the second of the three back-strengthening exercises that are part of a normal hatha yoga class. The main benefits of the locust are to build strength and flexibility in the back. The locust is the counter-stretch to the shoulder stand, the plough, and the seated forward bend. Before beginning the locust, the resting posture is done by laying on the stomach instead of the back.

Physical Benefits
Builds strength in the muscles of the lower back
Increases flexibility in the back
Especially recommended for relieving sciatica and pain in the lower back
Massages the internal organs
Improves digestion
Strengthens the arms and shoulders
Energetic (Pranic) Benefits
Stimulates swadhisthana chakra
Increases the digestive fire
Mental Benefits
Improves concentration

Before beginning, rest on the stomach, your hands making a pillow under your head, one cheek resting on your hands. The toes should be touching together with the heels falling apart. Breathe deeply in this position, feeling your abdomen pressing into the floor on every inhale, relaxing your body a little bit more on every exhale. Between each of the back-strengthening exercises, be sure to alternate the side of your head resting on your hands so that both sides of your neck receive an equal relaxation.

There are two phases to shalabhasana during a yoga class. The first phase is called the half locust, where each leg is lifted and held one at a time. Following this is the full locust where both legs are lifted together. The half locust is a preparatory exercise for the full locust, strengthening and helping to warm up the muscles of the back.