
Tadasana For Asthma - Mountain Pose Exercise - Treatment, Tips & Cure in Tamil

2016-01-06 16 Dailymotion

Tadasana is a yoga pose, which is practiced by those who wish to improve their posture, and aids in maintaining an equilibrium which is needed in everyday life.

Meaning :

Tada means mountain and asana means pose so Tadasana means mountain pose.

Technique :

Stand erect and the base of the big toe touch the heels. The heels should be apart
Spread the toes and lift them along with the balls of the feet.
Let them fall softly on the floor and then rock back and forth and reduce the swaying until the weight is evenly balanced.
Now tighten the thigh muscles and then lift the knee caps.
The ankles also could be lifted to strengthen the inner curves.
Turn the upper thighs inward and then increase the length of the tailbone towards the ground.
Now lift the pubic area towards the belly button.
Press the shoulder blades, lift the sternum up, and widen the collar bones.
balance the top of your head over the pelvic region with the lower portion of the chin parallel to the ground.

Benefits :

This is a form of yoga, which aids in overall health of the person and improves his stamina.

Tadasana improves posture and strengthens the knees, thighs, and ankles.
It also strengthens the buttocks and abdomen.
This is a form of yoga, which relieves sciatica problems.
All those having flat feet can relax with this kind of yoga pose.

Caution :

People suffering from insomnia, headache and low blood pressure should not doe this yoga posture.

Tips for beginners :

You could improve the balance by standing with the feet pushed inside slightly for around three to five inches.

Variations :

Alter the position of the arms by stretching them upwards or perpendicular to the ground or parallel. The palms could face away or inward and the arms can be held in front or stretched behind. With regular practice, one can overcome the difficulties in performing Tadasana. It is a very good form of curing asthma.