
Titliasana During Pregnancy - Stretching and Relaxation -Treatment, Tips & Cure in Tamil

2016-01-06 22 Dailymotion

The Butterfly Pose is also known as the Poorna Titli Asana. The butterfly pose is a simple exercise that can easily be performed after even with minimum instructions from your trainer. Targeting primarily the legs, it is the perfect antidote to relax and stretch the muscles of the legs especially after a long day of work or after an intensive work out. Another variant of the yoga Butterfly Pose is the Reclined Butterfly Pose.

Benefit to Body Part:

1. This is a great exercise to relax and stretch those aching thighs after a long and hard day at work. It is especially beneficial for those who run, walk or cycle for long distances, or have a job that requires them to constantly be on their feet.

2. It also helps to open up the hips and thighs and improves flexibility.

3. This posture also stimulates the reproductive and digestive organs.

4. The Butterfly Pose is a great stretch for relieving stress and tiredness.

Therapeutic Applications:

1. This is an excellent posture for women during menstruation as it helps to relieve some of the discomfort and pain associated with menstruating.

2. This posture is also supposed to be very beneficial for women after menopause.

3. The Butterfly Pose helps to open up the hips and genital areas and is very good for pregnant women. Regular practice of this posture can help in easing the pain associated with natural childbirth.

4. Regular practice of this posture is beneficial to the kidneys, bladder, prostate gland, and ovaries.

Precautions :

1. Before starting any form of exercise it is a good idea to consult your doctor. This is especially important if you are convalescing from surgery or a recent injury, if you have any pre-existing medical condition, or are with child.

2. Yoga has great potential for good, but the potential for harm is equally present if it is not performed properly.

3. If you are new to yoga, it is a good idea to perform these exercises under the guidance of a trained yoga instructor.

4. This is one of the most important Butterfly Pose precautions.
Additionally, you must pay especial attention to the proper method if you have experienced any injury to your knees or thighs.