
20 đất nặn Play-Doh, mèo Hello Kitty, robot Transformer, Trường học Quái Vật, xe hơi Cars

2015-12-18 6 Dailymotion

Đồ chơi trẻ em, 20 đồ chơi bất ngờ Kinder trong 20 đất nặn Play Doh, mèo Hello Kitty, robot Transfomer, Trường học Quái Vật, xe hơi Cars, chuột Mickey HD Video

Play-Doh is a children's modeling compound. It is made of flour, water, salt, boric acid, and mineral oil. It was first manufactured in Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S., as a wallpaper cleaner in the 1930s. Children began using the wallpaper cleaner as a modeling compound. The product was reworked and marketed to schools in the middle 1950s. Play-Doh was introduced at an educational convention in 1956. Important department stores opened retail accounts. Advertisements on many children's television shows in 1957 brought more sales. Play-Doh has much spinoff merchandise such as The Fun Factory. In 2003, the Toy Industry Association named Play-Doh in its "Century of Toys List". http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Play-Doh

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Other translations for viewers from other countries:

*in English: Children's toys - 20 toy surprises in Play Doh (modeling clay) - Hello Kitty, robot Transformer, Schools Monsters, cars Cars, Mickey Mouse HD Fun Video for Babies, Kids, Families & Collectors

*in Spanish, en español: Juguetes de los niños - 20 sorpresas de juguetes en Reproducir Doh (plastilina) - Hello Kitty, transformador robot, Escuelas Monsters, coches Coches, Mickey Mouse HD Diversión de Video en bebés, niños, Familias & coleccionistas

*in French, en français: Les jouets pour enfants - 20 surprises de jouets Jouer Doh (pâte à modeler) - Bonjour Kitty, le robot Transformer, Écoles Monsters, voitures Voitures, Mickey Mouse HD Fun Vidéo pour bébés, enfants, Familles & Collectionneurs

*in Portuguese, em Português: Brinquedos infantis - 20 surpresas do brinquedo no jogo Doh (massa de modelar) - Olá Kitty, robô Transformer, Escolas Monstros, carros Carros, Mickey Mouse Fun HD vídeo para bebês, crianças, famílias & Coletores

*in Norwegian, i norsk: Barneleker - 20 leketøy overraskelser i Play Doh (modelleire) - Hello Kitty, robot Transformator, skoler Monsters, biler Cars, Mikke Mus HD Fun Video for babyer, barn, familier & Collectors

*in Chinese (Simplified), 在中国(简体): 儿童玩具 - 游戏中的卫生署(橡皮泥)20玩具的惊喜 - 凯蒂猫,机器人变压器,学校怪物,汽车汽车,米老鼠高清视频乐趣婴儿,儿童,家庭&收藏家

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