
Nasheed Mawlaya Salli Wa Sellim - Beautiful Dorina Garuci & The Girls Of Medreseja Haxhi Sheh Shamia Shkodër Albania (Islamic Song / Naat Islam Is Beautiful Channel)- اغنية مولاى - मौले गीत -خوبصورت نشید

2015-12-05 442 Dailymotion

This amazing multi-language version of Mawlaya nasheed was performed by a beautiful Albanian Dorina Garuci and the lovely girls of Shkodër's Medreseja Haxhi Sheh Shamia (मौले गीत - अल्बानियाई धार्मिक स्कूल बैंड गा - اغنية انشاد مولاي صلّ وسلم دورينا غاروشيا فرقة المدرسة الشيخ شامية الحاج شكودر الالبانية). MasyaAllah, merdunya suara Dorina Garuci menyanyikan lagu nasyid 'Mawla Ya Salli Wa Sallim' bersama kumpulan Madrasah Haji Sheikh Shamia.

This nasyid or song was sung in Arabic, English, Turkish and Albanian languages.

This nasyeed was made popular by Lebanese singer Maher Zain (ماهر زين) with several version and languages such as english (international), arabic and turkish version.

"Ruha gıda ilahiler!.." serisi..Dünyada müzikten başka şeyler de var!..Şimdi ne olduklarını hatırlamıyorum; ama var!... Orjinali Lübnan'lı şarkıcı Maher Zain'e ait olan bu güzel ilahiyi sanırım Tiran'da bulunan Medreseja "Haxhi Sheh Shamia" öğrencileri Türkçe, Arnavutça, Arapça ve İngilizce olarak yorumlamış...Görüldüğü gibi iyi de yorumlamış.

Mawlaya Salli Wa Sallim Da Iman Abadan by Mesut Kurtis is one of the most famous of the Qasidah Al-Burdah or Qaseeda Burda. Qaṣīdat al-Burda ( قصيدة البردة‎, "Poem of the Mantle") is an ode of praise for the Islamic prophet Muhammad composed by the eminent Sufi, Imam al-Busiri of Egypt.

Sufi Muslims have traditionally venerated the verses. The poem is memorized and recited in congregations, and its verses decorate the walls of public buildings and mosques. This poem decorated Al-Masjid al-Nabawi (the mosque of Muhammad) in Medina for centuries but was erased but for two lines under the Saudi dynasty. Over 90 commentaries have been written on this poem and it has been translated into Persian, Urdu, Turkish, Berber, Punjabi, English, French, German, Sindhi, Norwegian, Chinese (called Tianfangshijing), and other languages. It is known and recited by a large number of Sunni Muslims, ordinarily and on special occasions, such as Mawlid, making it one of the most recited poems in the world.

A nasheed (نشيد , أناشيد anāshīd, meaning: "chants"; also nasyid in Malaysia and Indonesia), is a work of vocal music that is either sung a cappella or accompanied by percussion instruments such as the daf. In general, Islamic anasheed do not contain lamellaphone instruments, string instruments, or wind and brass instruments, although digital remastering – either to mimic percussion instruments or create overtones – is permitted. This is because some Muslim scholars interpret Islam as prohibiting the use of musical instruments except for some basic percussion. Anasheed are popular throughout the Islamic world. The material and lyrics of a nasheed usually make reference to Islamic beliefs, history, and religion, as well as current events.

Since Mawlaya is a multi-language nasheed, several variations to the spelling of the title and its meaning are as follows: Mevlaja Sali Ue Selim, Mevlâ Yâ Sâlli Ve Sellim Daimen Ebeda, Maulaya, Moulaya, مولاي, Ya Tuhanku, My Lord, Mevlam, Zaštitniče, Боже мой, Sözleri: Mevlâ yâ Sâlli ve Sellim de İman Ebeden

Dorina Garuci, born 29 January 1993 in Shkodra , is an Albanian singer. She finished two behind Kejsi Tola in the Albanian version of Idol , Ethet e Make premtes mbrëma 2008. Garuci have studied in the Austrian capital of Vienna.

Medreseja Haxhi Sheh Shamia is located Shkodër, Albania. It was opened in 1991. In these madrasas they worked distinguished scholars, who with all other imams cultural elite, influenced among new generations by educating high spirit of Islam. In 2000, girls' schools were separated from the boys. For this was built a new building with all the necessary equipment and teaching materials. Medredseja Haxhi Shamia is a general secondary school. It enjoys university status. Many of them continue their studies at the University of Tirana, in Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Italy, USA, Austria and elsewhere.